Error in /opt/dradis-calculator_cvss/app/views/layouts/dradis/plugins/calculators/cvss/base.html.erb

NameError in

Showing /opt/dradis-calculator_cvss/app/views/layouts/dradis/plugins/calculators/cvss/base.html.erb where line #17 raised:

undefined local variable or method `frontend’ for #<#Class:0x0000000310ce28:0x00000004c9a618>

    Extracted source (around line #17):

      <ul class="nav pull-right">
          <%= link_to Dradis::constants.include?(:Pro) ? main_app.root_path : frontend.root_path do %>
          Back to the app  &rarr;
          <% end %>

Any Ideas? Is CVSS only for Pro?

Hi @markajbell, thanks for including the screenshot. The CVSS calculator is included with CE, we just need to get around this error message! Can you try replacing the offending line of code and let us know if it resolves the error?

  1. Navigate to the dradis-calculator_cvss folder (it should be in the same folder that also contains dradis-ce)
  2. Open up file dradis-calculator_cvss/app/views/layouts/dradis/plugins/calculators/cvss/base.html.erb
  3. Edit Line #17 and change it from:
    <%= link_to Dradis::constants.include?(:Pro) ? main_app.root_path : frontend.root_path do %>
    <%= link_to main_app.root_path do %>
  4. Save your changes and restart the server.
  5. Navigate to /calculators/cvss and let us know if you’re able to access the calculator

Keep us posted!

Thanks Rachkor that worked a treat. Mark

Sorry about this @markajbell, it is now fixed in upstream: